The moose is the biggest deer. The male is called bull and the female is called cow. The moose live in Europe, Asia and North America. The moose live in the woods where there are many lakes and swamps. In Sweden the moose use to live in the North. In the summer it use to eat leaves, flowers and small twigs. In the winter it use to eat juniper, twigs and pine twigs.
The moose is active on the day and it lives very lonely. The female usually get one calf, and it stay with the mum for one year.
The moose is around 2-3 meters. And it can weight 850 kilos. The size and the weight varies it depends much on the environment and the food. In north Sweden the moose is bigger than in the south part.
In Sweden the moose weight around 450 kilos.
The bad with the moose is that it often causes car accidents.
In the ancient time they use to hunt moose. And so it is today.
// Josefin and Allis
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